Dashboard Builder Widget
When embedded in an application, the Dashboard Builder widget enables users to modify existing dashboards or add new dashboards. Dashboards may contain reports, web forms, or other content.
Note: The Dashboard Builder widget replaces the Page Builder widget in Qrvey version 8.0 and later.
Configuration Object Properties
The following table lists the general properties associated with this widget.
Property | Value | Required |
api_key | String , Your organization’s unique API key required to access the Qrvey platform. Never expose your organization’s API key to external users. In Production environments, use a secure token (qv_token) to encrypt the API key. | Yes, if the qv_token is not provided |
qv_token | String , A secure token encrypted via JWT to authenticate and authorize embedded widgets. Establishes a secure connection between the host application and the Qrvey system. For more information, see Embedding Widgets Using a Security Token. | Yes, if the api_key is not provided |
app_id | String , ID of the Qrvey application containing the dashboard, report, automation, or web form. | Yes |
domain | String , The base URL of your instance of the Qrvey platform. | Yes |
user_id | String , ID of the Qrvey Composer user that owns the application that is being embedded. Optional: You can alternately specify the user ID in a Qrvey session cookie. | Yes, if the user_id is not included in a session cookie |
clientid | String , Unique identifier for the tenant end user. Required for using the End User Personalization and Download Manager features. The clientid must be set to a unique value for each tenant end user. | No |
timezone | Object <TimezoneConfiguration> , Overrides the time zone setting in Qrvey Admin Center. For more information, see Configuring Time Zone Settings. | No |
private_pages | Boolean , Predefine the state of new dashboards. If True, new dashboards will be private, if not new dashboards will be public. | No |
do_not_allow | Array<String> , Collection of strings to define permissions (will hide or block some features): CREATE_CHART: Hide Create Chart button. USERS_AUTHENTICATION: Hide Authentication tab. USERS_LIST: Hide Users tab. GROUPS_CRUD: Hide the actions for create, duplicate or delete groups. GROUPS_USERS_DETAIL: Hide the users table inside the group detail view. | No |
styles | Object , a JSON object with properties that allow users to modify part of the look and feel of the widget. Every property supports a string (hexadecimal color) or the name of a color.* main_color: String * main_text_color: String * secondary_color: String * icon_color: String * tab_bar_color: String * tab_font_color: String * error_color: String | No |
userFilters | Array<Object> , Collection of custom filters that the system will apply to the visualized data. For more information, see Working With Filters in Embedded Scenarios. | No |
customTokens | Object , JSON object used to set custom threshold values in Bullet and Dial charts. For more information, see Using Custom Tokens. | No |
personalization | Object , JSON object to configure and overwrite the default personalization/customization settings. For more information, see "Configuring Personalization" below. | No |
authenticatedSession.email | String , Specifies the email address to associate with the widget. If an address is not specified, exports are sent to the email address associated with the user ID. | No |
themeid | String, theme ID to use in the component. | No |
Configuring Personalization
The personalization object setting controls customization options for the Dashboard Builder widget and supports the following properties at this time:
Property | Description | Type | Default | Required |
fit_panel_button | Show the fit to panel button on the panels | boolean | true | No |
The widget supports custom events to update keys of the configuration, you can dispatch an event using your own user interface to modify the behavior.
- atApplyUserFilters: Enables changes to the “builderFilters” property - the expected value for this property is a reduced version of the filter object. This property is a collection of objects that includes:
- Operator: defines which operation will be performed with the expressions.
- Expressions: a collection of objects that contains the questions/column reference, the type of operation applied to the questions, and the values that will be used for filtering.